Momcozy Blog - All About Breastfeeding Tips
Momcozy Blog - All About Breastfeeding Tips

Apprendre, c'est soigner

Voici une série de contenus éducatifs destinés aux futures mères et aux nouvelles mères en cours d'allaitement.

Cozy Prepare: 4 Must-Have Items for Your Cozy Pregnancy

Cozy Prepare: 4 Must-Have Items for Your Cozy Pregnancy

Nurturing a life in your body can be wonderful but also stressful. From morning sickness and breast tenderness to back pain and constipation, moms experience a lot of physical changes and discomfor...
Momcozy collaborates with the USLCA

Equity, Support, Action: Momcozy and United States Lactation Consultants Association Join Forces to Enhance Educational Advancement for IBCLCs

Momcozy takes great delight in partnering with the United States Lactation Consultants Association (USLCA) to help International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) advance their careers...
Finding Your Perfect Pregnancy Pillow Shape for Dreamy Slumber!

Finding Your Perfect Pregnancy Pillow Shape for Dreamy Slumber!

Discover the best pregnancy pillow shape for you - analyze wedge, C-shape, U-shape and full-length body pillow benefits to target your discomfort and sleep position.
Real vs. False Labor: Expert Tips to Recognize & Manage

Childbirth and Labor Pain: What is False Pain and Real Pain?

Quick Answer: The distinctions you've made between false and true labor pain are accurate. False labor contractions are less regular, do not get closer together, and often stop with movement or cha...
What Should I Do If My Legs Cramp During Pregnancy? Causes and Treatments

What Should I Do If My Legs Cramp During Pregnancy? Causes and Treatments

Leg cramps are common during pregnancy. Learn what causes them, how to treat them at home with stretches, massage, and heat, and when you should call your doctor.
What is a Pregnancy Pillow? Why Choose U-shaped Pregnancy Pillow?

What is a Pregnancy Pillow? Why Choose U-shaped Pregnancy Pillow?

U-shaped pregnancy pillow is designed to reduce swelling in the legs, hips, and lower back by encouraging blood flow throughout the night.
What Should I Pay Attention to When Having Sex While Pregnant?

What Should I Pay Attention to When Having Sex While Pregnant?

I remember the day I learned I was pregnant as if it was yesterday. I went into mamma bear mode immediately, and my #1 priority was protecting the baby. Like many other expecting women, I had multi...
Overcoming the Challenges of Having a Baby in the Covid-19 Era

Overcoming the Challenges of Having a Baby in the Covid-19 Era

When the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in early 2020, the entire world changed. Roads were quiet, people stayed indoors, businesses shut down, schools closed, and work shifted at home. But, for a ful...
When I Decided To Have A Baby, I Had To Muster All My Courage

When I Decided To Have A Baby, I Had To Muster All My Courage

Unlike most moms I knew, deciding to have a baby didn't come naturally to me. I always thought the feeling of wanting to be a mother would come to me after a few years of marriage or when I hit my ...