Breast Pumping for Bigger Breasts: Tips and Advice for Ultimate Comfort and Efficiency

Tips for Big Breast Pumping.

Many new moms need some time to find what works for them when it comes to breast pumping for bigger breasts. We want to share tips and advice for moms needing information about large breast pumping. We'll discuss some of the challenging issues they may face, the essential products that may make big breast pumping more manageable, and some other tips to prepare their bodies for breast pumping.

Smiling woman with large breasts wearing a hands-free breast pump while preparing vegetables.

Challenges Large-Breasted Moms Might Face in Pumping

Mothers with larger breasts experience a few more challenges when trying to use a breast pump than new moms with average size breasts. The weight of their breasts before becoming pregnant may have caused them discomfort when playing sports activities or even when just standing upright. Now, with the extra weight and the enlarged size of their breasts due to pregnancy, there can be quite an adjustment. Some of the challenges they may face are:

  • Finding a pump that fits properly.
  • Leakage issues with the pump because of ill-fitting parts.
  • Positioning difficulty due to the weight of their breasts and needing to hold the flange in place.
  • Poor suction from the pump caused by incorrect positioning.
  • Pain, especially immediately after large breast pumping, because of the awkward posture needed to keep the pump in the proper position.

Finding the best big breast pump can make all the difference in comfort and efficiency. Mom can get comfortable and know she's providing breast milk with its nutritious properties even when she's not there to give it personally. Pumping her breast milk can also relieve her discomfort of engorgement if her baby can’t nurse at that time.

Breast Pumps with Large Flanges - Essential for Successful Large Breast Pumping

The best breast pump is the one that precisely fits your body's shape and has all the features you want. Women's shapes are different, so the goal is to find one that fits properly, is comfortable, and is efficient for big breast pumping.

For moms who need a pump for big breasts, the Momcozy S12 Wearable rechargeable breast pump provides comfort as soft as your little one's lips. Its double-sealed flange design allows the pump to sit closer to your breast. This pump has an optional 27mm flange, bigger than your average size, and fits large-breasted moms better. The S12 Pro pumps more efficiently and comfortably while effectively preventing milk leakage.

Momcozy S12 Pro Wearable Breast Pump.

With just one charge of 130 minutes, the S12 Pro can pump for about 240 minutes. That means you can use the pump for about eight sessions throughout the day without losing power! You can pump one breast at a time or both. No wires or cords exist, so you can go about your day with this portable breast pump, multitasking, as all new moms must do.

Momcozy S12 Pro Wearable Breast Pumps with transparent milk collectors and award badges displayed on a pedestal.
Mega Sale
More Output More Comfort Long Battery

How to Use a Breast Pump - Easy Steps For Large-Breasted Moms

Let's demonstrate how to use a breast pump for larger-busted women, using the Momcozy S12 Pro as an example.

Firstly, Assemble two pumps for simultaneous pumping.

Find the correct flange size for your breasts:

When first applying the pumps to your large breasts, hold your breasts and guide them into the cups of the collection containers, making sure your nipples are aligned in the center of the flange openings. The tips of your nipples should not touch the sides of the flanges. If they do, it can be very painful as the suction pulls, and the areolas can grip the sides of the flange if it is too large. Measure your nipples using the nipple guide in the package, or have your lactation consultant assist you in finding the correct flange size for your breasts.

Adjust your breast pumps to correctly position the flanges comfortably over your nipples and cover them as completely as possible with the flange openings.

Turn on the pumps and ensure they work as they should and that you are not uncomfortable. If it is, turn them off and readjust the flanges.

Pumping usually takes about 15 minutes or until milk flow diminishes.

Using the pumps:

After assembling the pumps, turn them on.

For Momcozy S12 Pro, there are three different modes:

  1. Heart - short, sharp suction stimulation mode that initiates your letdown and starts the flow of your milk.
  2. Droplet - long, drawn-out suction extracts the milk.
  3. Heart and Droplet - a mix of both modes

Once you've decided what cycle mode best expresses your breast milk, you'll need to set the pumps on the suction level that is most comfortable and efficient for you.

S12 Pro Wearable Breast Pump Breastfeeding Essentials

Start on a setting of two or three and increase if necessary to maintain the most consistent and comfortable expression level. The suction level goes up to nine.

Setting the pumps too high can be uncomfortable and is not necessarily more efficient.

A pumping session usually lasts 15-20 minutes. You will know it’s completed when the milk flow decreases. The motor runs 30 minutes per session and turns itself off if it is not touched or reset.

Finishing a session:

Once you have finished your pumping session, slowly release the suction. Don't just pull it off the nipple without slowly releasing it, as this will be painful and may damage the pumps.

You can remove the motors from the containers and pour your breast milk into whatever storage container you choose.

Accessories for Big Breast Pumping

New moms using a breast pump to express milk from their larger breasts will find that products are available that make this action more efficient and comfortable.

Let's talk about a few of the products that can enhance breast pumping for bigger breasts, making it a more enjoyable experience:

Pumping Bra

All-in-One Super Flexible Pumping Bra with  S12 Pro pump inside.

A flexible fabric pumping bra is ideal for large-breasted women who need to fit their breasts and wearable breast pumps. It provides support all day for those needing larger bra sizes.

Milk Storage Bags

Momcozy Breastmilk Storage Bags with temperature sense indicators

Milk storage bags are a great way to save your milk supply for later use. After a pumping session, breast milk can be easily poured into these bags and frozen. Freeze them flat, then store them standing up chronologically by date.

Nursing Pillow

Multifunctional and Adjustable Nursing Pillow for Breastfeeding

A nursing pillow makes breastfeeding and breast pumping much more comfortable for large-breasted moms, allowing them to position their babies or support their breast pumps if necessary.

Bottle Warmer

Bottle warmers are terrific for new moms to heat breast milk for their babies when not feeding from the breast or pumping for immediate use.

Lactation Massager

S12 Pro Double Wearable Pump and One Kneading Lactation Massager for Lactation

Massagers help to stimulate big breasts before pumping. They can also help deter blocked milk ducts and mastitis, something moms with bigger breasts may face if their milk is not properly emptied.

Big Breast Pumping Preparations

Educate yourself about breastfeeding and breast pumping, especially during your last trimester.

  • Watch podcasts
  • Watch videos
  • Take a breastfeeding class where they go over breast pumping
  • Read online forums (Reddit, Quora, BabyCenter, and what to expect)
  • Learn about pumping and storing breast milk
  • Ask your ob-gyn if your health conditions make breastfeeding or breast pumping difficult.

Prepare your body for breast pumping.

  • Get a breast pump. Your insurance plan should pay for one. If you want to try another, see if they will allow you to pay the extra cost for one of your choice. Ordering it in the last trimester will enable any warranty to last longer for the baby’s use. Ask your lactation consultant to assist you with determining what flange size will work best for you.
  • Plan for skin-to-skin contact right after delivery by requesting this from your doctor and discussing it with your partner so they can see it is done.
  • Eat nutrient-dense foods, like whole grains, fruits, healthy carbs, vegetables, and lots of protein.

Create a comfortable environment to breastfeed your baby or a place to use a breast pump if you do not need to be active. This may help your milk flow better if you are having supply issues. Items that trigger your body to know it is time to express milk may be helpful to have nearby.

  • Relax
  • Have pictures of your baby close by your cozy place.
  • Keep a blanket with your baby’s smell on it nearby.
  • Drink fluids as you pump.
  • Play calming music to soothe yourself.
  • Massage and apply warm, moist compresses to your breasts. This can help with your letdown.

Other Tips for Big Breast Pumping

Here are a few more tips for moms with a large breast size:

  • Correct posture while pumping is crucial for comfort and to deter pain or soreness afterward. The pump is also more efficient when your body is upright.
  • If you do not double pump, you may want to wear a breast pad or shield over the other breast to prevent it from soiling your clothes if it leaks.
  • Practice applying your breast pump in the mirror to help position it appropriately and reduce the chance of leakage. It may require numerous attempts to get good results.

FAQs About Large Breast Pumping

Is it harder to pump with large breasts?

Pumping can be more challenging for women with a larger breast size, but these few tips may help:

  • Your pump may need a larger opening on the flange. Try to determine this ahead of time.
  • Try pumping and concentrating on one breast at a time instead of both simultaneously.
  • Make sure the flange's positioning is correct, with your nipple in the direct center of the flange opening, so pumping is not painful.

Does breast size affect pumping?

Breast size doesn’t affect how much milk you produce. Positioning and the flange size on your pump can help or hurt your pumping experience.

How do you pump with saggy breasts?

Mothers with saggy or larger breasts need to support their breasts by holding and gently massaging them as they pump. Supporting the breasts on towels or placing them on a table may make it easier to use both hands to pump effectively.

Does pumping give you bigger breasts?

No. Pumping does not give you bigger breasts. Pumping more often increases your milk supply, not your breast size.


We’ve explored the challenges of breast pumping for women with bigger breasts and what pumps and products can make the obstacles more manageable.

Finding the best breast pump for large breast pumping is the key to comfort and efficiency when collecting and storing breast milk. Make sure you know how to set up and use your pump correctly.

Flange size is most important, so measure your nipples or have your lactation consultant show you how to measure your nipples for the best fit. Proper flange positioning over the nipples is necessary for a successful pumping session without leaks or discomfort.

Only you know what feels comfortable and works most effectively for you and your body. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, find support groups, and discuss any concerns with your doctor or lactation consultant.

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