Supporting Breastfeeding Advocacy: Momcozy Announces 2023 Lactation Consultant Scholarship Fund Recipients

Supporting Breastfeeding Advocacy: Momcozy Announces 2023 Lactation Consultant Scholarship Fund Recipients

Focused on supporting moms pursuing a career in lactation support, Momcozy introduced its Lactation Consultant Scholarship Fund in 2023 and is pleased to announce that 14 recipients have been selected. The fund provides full exam reimbursements to moms who passed their IBCLC exam in 2022 or 2023 to become International Board Certified Lactation Consultants. IBCLCs are the highest accredited profession in lactation, supporting moms with personalized breastfeeding support.

The global maternity and baby brand, focused on putting moms first, was established in 2018 and serves over 3 million moms in 40+ countries worldwide. Designed to eliminate expensive fees for moms to help other moms, the fund has been one of many initiatives Momcozy has enacted in pursuit of better maternity outcomes.

“Successful breastfeeding is made possible because of the countless professionals in a myriad of disciplines walking alongside moms and their families daily,” shares Lalaina Rabary, North American Marketing Manager for Momcozy. “It’s important for us not just to support these individuals with words, but action and the Lactation Consultant Scholarship Fund is an extension of that commitment.”

Mari Wills, a recipient of the Momcozy Lactation Consultant Scholarship Fund shares, “Receiving this scholarship is an immense honor for me, particularly as a proud member of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community. This recognition is not just a personal achievement, it's a beacon of progress toward a more inclusive and diverse future within the lactation field.”

Diversity, equity, and inclusion were core components of the fund with priority given to those from historically underrepresented groups and individuals who have demonstrated breastfeeding leadership and advocacy in their communities.

“For aspiring IBCLCs, the high cost of the exam can be a hindrance and reason to not pursue lactation as a profession,” adds Rabary. “We hope to reduce this barrier to entry while joining a larger effort to ensure greater representation which mirrors the full scope of US families.”

This relief was acutely felt by Georgia-based recipient Natasha Jovin.

“As a single mom trying to make a better life for my daughter and me the reimbursement of the exam makes a big impact on our day to day. It takes some weight off of me, allowing me to make more space to do what I love.”

Recipient Briana Shelley adds, “For me, receiving this scholarship is validating. Everything I do is grassroots and free and sometimes I can feel burnout creeping in. Receiving this scholarship has given me the validation that what I am doing is incredibly important for my community and helps me continue to do this work for free.”

Shelly, a U.S. active duty Air Force spouse, looks forward to putting the scholarship funds toward advanced education increasing her ability to serve families to meet their breastfeeding goals. 

“Each recipient embodies strength, resilience, and a deep commitment to supporting all moms. We are grateful to be a part of their journies,” Rabary concludes.

For more information on the Momcozy, the Lactation Consultant Scholarship Fund or to schedule an interview, email

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