Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Ultra Soft
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Ultra Soft
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Ultra Soft
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Ultra Soft
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Ultra Soft
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Ultra Soft
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Ultra Soft
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Ultra Soft
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Ultra Soft
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Ultra Soft
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Wide Straps
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Back
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra One-Hand Clips
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding
Jelly Gel - Seamless Support Floral Nursing Bra Front

Jelly Strip - Soutien-gorge d'allaitement push up floral sans couture -YN46

€47,99 EUR
Or with Afterpay or with Klarna klarna

More Comfort
Jelly Strip & 360° Support
Weightless Wearing
Easy Breastfeeding
Couleur: Noir
Oyster Pink
Marron foncé
Pine Green
3 Color
Taille: S Size Guide
M plus
L plus
XL plus
2XL plus
3XL plus
Quantité: Unique
Paquet double
3 Pack
 More payment options
4 Interest-free payments with Afterpay or Klarna
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28 People are viewing this bra right now

Si vous voulez maintenir votre poitrine sans l'attacher, essayez ce soutien-gorge ondulant. Laissant de côté la façon brutale dont les armatures poussent les seins vers le haut, notre soutien-gorge ondule vos seins couche par couche avec du « Jelly Gel » pour soulever vos seins et les maintenir à 360° à un endroit approprié de façon régulière et naturelle, sans tirer ou casser la texture des seins. L'ondulation est plus douce, traitez bien vos seins.


Type de tissu 53% Nylon, 47% Spandex

Conseils d'entretien Lavage à la main uniquement

Origine Importation

Type de fermeture Crochet et Œil

The accessories for this product:

The accessories for this product


Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46 for Pumping and Nursing Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46 for Pumping and Nursing

Onduler pour soulever

Support à 360 ° autour desseins

Notre soutien-gorge remplace la ceinture normale par 4 couches de «gel en gelée» qui peut non seulement soutenir une manière plus douce que sous-moi avec une touche douce, mais aussi mieux tenir avec 4 obstacles pour empêcher les seins de tomber, qui ont été approfondis parSupport à 360 ° encerclant vos seins.

Soutenez davantage pour se soulever, snig plus près pour éviter la fuite et étirer grand pour permettre une pièce flexible pour fluctuer la taille du sein et vos pompes.

La peau respire plus libre

Moins de revêtement, pluscreux

Non seulement nous rendons tous les tissus plus minces avec le (Gueule de gelée ) Bondage de liaisons au lieu de l'artisanat de couture traditionnel, mais nous avons également creusé 1/3 de la bande pour permettre à la peau de respirer davantage.

Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46 Design Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46 Design
Nursing and Pumping Materials Nursing and Pumping Materials

Port en apesanteur

Pas de coupe dans la peau

Sans fil et sans couture, ce soutien-gorge ajoute une couche de tissu de plus à l'arrière et sous l'aisselle afin de se propager plus uniformément sur la peau sans couper dans votre peau afin de la porter plus confortablement. Fait deStandard 100 par Oeko-Textissu, il ne contient aucune substances nocives pour garantir l'usure la plus sûre.

Un coup de pied de shake

Aucune déformation à 80 fois lavage

Avec des inserts de soutien-gorge à moitié fixés, vous pouvez simplement jeter votre soutien-gorge dans la machine à laver sans jouer au jeu «où sont les inserts» à chaque fois après le lavage. Quoi qu'il en soit enchevêtré, plié ou ridé, vous pouvez les remettre immédiatement en place avec une seule secousse.

Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46 Details Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46 Details
Momcozy Nursing Bra Comparison Momcozy Nursing Bra Comparison

Momcozy troisième version du soutien-gorge infirmier

Avec un artisanat «Jelly Strip» au lieu de l'artisanat de couture traditionnel pour le confort et le soutien



Vous pouvez acheter nos soutiens-gorge à n'importe quel moment de la grossesse ou de la période postnatale, car ils sont très adaptables et vous iront parfaitement tout au long de votre parcours.


L'ajustement des soutiens-gorge d'allaitement

En règle générale, ajoutez une taille de bonnet et une taille de dos à votre taille de soutien-gorge habituelle avant la grossesse. Ainsi, si vous portez habituellement un 32C, commencez par essayer un 34D. Ces soutiens-gorge doivent être confortables dans leur version la plus serrée, tout en vous laissant une grande marge de manœuvre pour ajuster la taille au fur et à mesure que vous grandissez.


Oui, nos soutiens-gorge sont très confortables et ne vous gênent pas pendant le sommeil.

Ce que les clients disent de

Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
Based on 1,045 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 669 Total 4 star reviews: 175 Total 3 star reviews: 158 Total 2 star reviews: 10 Total 1 star reviews: 33
81%would recommend this product
ComfortRated 4.8 on a scale of 1 to 5
QualityRated 4.8 on a scale of 1 to 5
Ease of UseRated 4.8 on a scale of 1 to 5
Value for MoneyRated 4.7 on a scale of 1 to 5
Reviews Summary
Customers say this nursing bra is incredibly soft and comfortable, with many comparing it to wearing nothing at all. While some note sizing inconsistencies and mention the cups can be too big or small, most find the fit works well with the sizing chart. A few point out that the removable pads tend to fold and bunch up during use, and some report the bra stretches out over time. Many appreciate the smooth, seamless design and wide straps that don't dig in. The bra gets lots of love for its ability to adapt throughout pregnancy and nursing phases, with several mentioning they continue wearing it even after finishing nursing. Some mention the higher price point but feel it's worth the investment for the comfort level. A handful of reviews note concerns about the armpit area riding up and boobs being pushed together. The durability gets mixed feedback - while many praise its longevity, others report it losing shape after washing.
1,045 reviews
  • AC
    Annie C.
    Verified Buyer
    Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46
    I recommend this product
    Bought For A Gift
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    12 hours ago
    Jelly strip bra

    This bra is fantastic , very comfortable , easy to use the quality is fantastic my daughter has 2 now

  • LE
    Larissa E.
    Verified Buyer
    Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46
    I recommend this product
    Bought For Myself
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 days ago
    Me encantan 😍

    Excelente calidad, materiales de primera, me encantan…

    La única pega es la empresa de envío que normalmente tarda más de lo normal para España.

  • ML
    Maia L.
    Verified Buyer
    Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46
    I recommend this product
    Bought For Myself
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 week ago
    Comfy and flattering

    I like that this bra comes in the plus sizes so I can order a band size that doesn’t ride up without totally spilling. That being said, I wish they offered a plus plus or something but this is pretty good! Also wish they offered the plus sizes in more colors.

    For a wireless bra this one has a great amount of structure. The name jelly strip feels pretty accurate to how it feels. It’s soft and stretchy and very form-fitting. I also appreciate the comfortable straps. FYI: I’m on the taller side and I have to wear the straps almost as loose as they go.

  • S
    Verified Buyer
    Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46
    I recommend this product
    Bought For Myself
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago
    Best Bra - So comfy

    I didn't know where to start when looking for a nursing bra. I wanted something cute but functional and most of all comfortable. I had heard good things about the momcozy bras and they did not disappoint. They are so comfortable and buttery soft. No wires but you definitely feel supported.

  • ZW
    Zsofia W.
    Verified Buyer
    Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46
    I recommend this product
    Bought For Myself
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago
    Very good quality

    I love them! Ordered 2, they are very comfortable! Definitely use the size chart.

  • A
    Verified Buyer
    Jelly Strip - Seamless Floral Push up Nursing Bra -YN46
    I recommend this product
    Bought For Myself
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago
    Seamless bra

    I absolutely loveeee it I feel comfortable and sexyyyy in it as a first time mum I actually feel so comfortable. I’m waiting till u guys restock so I can make another purchase😭😭