Annonce des gagnants de Cozy Valentine !
Célébrer l'amour, la famille et la parentalité avec nos incroyables participants !

Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé à notre concours de soumission pour la Saint-Valentin douillette ! Vos histoires et photos sincères nous ont tous inspirés. Félicitons les gagnants - découvrez leurs histoires incroyables ci-dessous !

Pour consulter les résultats détaillés des votes de tous les finalistes, cliquez ici.
Katie Marie Guidry
Histoire courte:

This Valentine’s Day, the special gift Momcozy have given me is time. Time to be a mom. Time to ENJOY being a mom. Throughout my journey of motherhood, there have been so many sleepless nights and not enough hours in the day. Not enough time to get bottles washed, dried, sterilized, followed by pacifiers and teethers. Not enough time to get the breastmilk measured, packed, and frozen. Not enough time to warm up the cold bottle for my hungry baby. Not enough time to figure out how to boost my supply so I know my child will have enough. Not enough time to spend with my beautiful child who is growing with every second, while I try to tackle the tasks of motherhood. There was never enough time, until I found Momcozy. Momcozy has given me the time to enjoy being a mom, to enjoy the moments with my child, to have time to freeze the milk, the time to get it all done without stress. Between my Momcozy breastpumps, sterilizer, and bottle warmer, I have TIME and I have boosted my supply. For this, my family and I could never thank you enough. You have given me the opportunity to love motherhood in every aspect.

A mom who is always trying her best💗

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Les votes actuels: 2160
Skyler Morris
Histoire courte:

My husband and I are high school sweethearts and our story is my favorite! We met when we were 14 in Spanish class. We not only watched each other grow up but used the hope of a good future as motivation to be successful. After I finish school to be a Sonographer and my husband, then boyfriend, got his A&P license to be an airplane mechanic, we moved into our first apartment and got engaged in Disney world. We saved every penny we had and a year later we got married in April 2024 and went on our dream honeymoon to London and Paris. Well, two weeks later we came back home and Surprise! We found out we were expecting our first baby. In October of 2024 we purchased and renovated our first home. On December 27, 2024 we welcomed our baby boy into the world. As I sit on our couch holding my sleeping baby, I look at this picture and think that every decision we have made and every goal we have set out to accomplish was for this moment. For our baby boy. He completes us.

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Les votes actuels: 1967
Jenna Denton
Histoire courte:

I wanted to share a special moment that captures the love and connection within my family. In February 2024, my husband and I lost our daughter, Charlee, at 24 weeks gestation. She was our first baby and the invitations for our baby shower had just been delivered days before. As we approach the 1 year anniversary of this loss, I am currently 32 weeks pregnant with her baby brother.
It has been a very difficult year for us, but we are grateful and hopeful for the future of our family.
As I sit here yet again, preparing my baby registry, I am excited to register for and use all the Momcozy products we didn't get to use with Charlee!
Please see the attached images of our angel.

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Les votes actuels: 347
Jasneet Sandhu
Histoire courte:

I wanted to share the moments we shared as a family of 4. The memories that we made to cherish forever. The transition from 3 to 4 was such a challenging period for me as a mother being able to give my toddler the same attention and being present for her.
Momcozy not only allowed me to connect with our new baby but also kept me as involved as possible with our first born.
She didn’t feel like mom was missing from the scene or we were cooped up inside, we were out and about and making new memories and letting her live and enjoy every moment with us.
Momcozy also allowed my husband to connect with our baby as much as myself and allowed me to be more active with our daughter.

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Les votes actuels: 265
Katie Marie Guidry
Les votes actuels: 2160
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Skyler Morris
Les votes actuels: 1967
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Jenna Denton
Les votes actuels: 347
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Jasneet Sandhu
Les votes actuels: 2160
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Présentation des prix et comment les réclamer
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Les gagnants doivent envoyer leurs coordonnées à en utilisant leur courriel de soumission entre le 20 et le 26 février (les courriels provenant d'autres adresses ne seront pas acceptés). Veillez à ce que votre envoi soit effectué dans les délais impartis afin de vous assurer de recevoir votre prix.


1 Gagnant

Tire-lait double M6
2ème 1 Gagnant
Refroidisseur de lait maternel portable
3er 1 Gagnant
Kit bébé tout-en-un
Prix de participation
15% de réduction Coupon
Utilisation unique, valable jusqu'au 20 août 2025