Double pumping is the fastest and most productive method for collecting breast milk for your infant. When double pumping, you do twice the work at once by pumping milk from both breasts simultaneously.
Nursing mothers need all the extra time they can get to do other things for their babies and other family members, so double-pumping sessions make the most sense for moms on the go.
Why Is Double Pumping More Efficient?
According to the La Leche League International, using a double breast pump strongly stimulates the production of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that helps make breast milk, and it is significantly elevated when breastfeeding women double-pump. It helps keep milk production going, meaning moms with a low supply can increase their milk output.
Oxytocin, another hormone involved in milk flow, works with prolactin to deliver milk to breastfeeding women. Prolactin makes the milk supply, and oxytocin helps to provide the milk flow and expression. Stimulating both hormones using a double breast pump to make milk benefits the mother and the baby.

Can You Pump One Breast at a Time?
Consider your situation and decide whether to use a double or single electric breast pump to collect milk. Each new mom should make this choice.
Single pumping can be more relaxing and can be done while nursing your baby at the other breast.
Women who exclusively breastfeed their infant at their breast may only need to pump infrequently and have no need to build up a significant milk supply so a single pump may be sufficient.
The Double Pumping and Single Pumping Difference?
Double pumping is technically called simultaneous breast expression (both breasts at the same time), and single pumping is sequential breast expression (one breast, then the next).
A randomized controlled trial that measured milk output using the two different techniques concluded that double-pumping emptied and ejected more milk from the breast than single-pumping.
Additionally, the milk expressed with double-pumping contained more fat content.
This result means that the milk flow provided a higher caloric value. The higher fat content in the milk also led to better breast drainage and less risk of clogged ducts.
The study concluded that 18 percent more milk was extracted, emptying a higher percentage of the available milk from the breast. This milk had a higher energy content and more milk ejection. The higher energy content is essential to premature babies whose stomachs are smaller and, therefore, cannot ingest much milk into their little bodies.
Other comparisons of the two different methods:
- Efficiency: Single pumping is more time-consuming than double pumping.
- Cost: Single-breast pumps are less expensive than double-breast pumps. The double pump may be the best choice for moms who need to pump at work or who pump exclusively, but the single pump is more budget-friendly for mothers who do not express milk frequently.
- Milk Supply: The double electric breast pump stimulates milk production in a more natural nursing pattern. The single electric breast pump is sufficient for breastfeeding mothers who directly breastfeed and don’t need to pump as much.
- Ability to Use Anywhere You Go: Double electric breast pumps are usually heavier and less convenient than single pumps, which may be better for traveling.
- Convenience: Double pumps are faster, and many are now made to be secured in a pumping bra so you can multitask. Single pumps can make doing things with the mother’s free hand easier.

When is Double Pumping the Best Choice?
As we’ve discussed, double pumping is the preferred method of breast pumping for those on the go. Today’s schedules demand speed and efficiency for most mothers.
Women who work outside the home and are away from their babies for an extended period need a convenient and fast way to express milk from their breasts. While at work, new mothers can use their double electric breast pumps when they take a break, late in the morning, or mid-day. With their revolutionary design, the newer double pumps allow you to continue working as you pump if necessary.
The increased milk production and high energy content of double pumping are tremendous benefits for both mom and baby. Mothers can save breast milk and boost its quality in double pumping sessions. The double breast pump will increase the baby's milk supply and decrease the mother’s risk of clogged ducts.
Other reasons you may want to double pump:
- Premature Birth: When your baby cannot nurse at your breast, you ensure they get the highest quality milk for feeding. Double pumping extracts better fat content, and your milk production ensures that your baby’s little body can process the higher energy and more calories from your lactation.
- Increase Milk Volume: The double breast pump's suction increases milk volume. It helps maintain milk reserves and saves the day when others are helping with feedings.
- Multiple Births: The double breast pump is necessary for families with twins or triplets or for mothers who get pregnant while still breastfeeding their little ones. These mothers need to produce and maintain a greater volume of milk to breastfeed or make bottles for others to assist with feeding the babies.
Tips for More Efficient Double Pumping
New mothers returning to work may face challenges different from those of nursing at home. To get the most milk from your double-pumping sessions, find a space where you feel comfortable using your pump.
The Fair Labor Standards Act states that nursing women employees have the right to express milk in a place (other than bathrooms) that is shielded from view and away from intrusion. This act covers employees up to one year after the child’s birth. A mother may not be denied time to pump.
Find a cozy place to relax. Look for a place with a lock on the door so you won't be interrupted. Look for a space close to an outlet to plug it in. You will also need a flat surface to place your pump and supplies.
The same tips apply even at home. Find a cozy place beside an outlet to store your pump and supplies. When using the double pump, plan for the session to take about 20-25 minutes, including set up, pumping, and clean up.
Cleveland Clinic lactation specialist Marie Lattarulo, RN, IBCLC, advises, “You can use your senses to fool your brain into thinking your baby is there.” You can do this by watching videos, viewing photos of your infant, smelling a blanket or piece of clothing they’ve worn, etc. Doing this signals your mind and body to express a greater volume of milk more efficiently.
Hand expressing or massage before you place the pump on your breasts helps to stimulate the hormones and soften firm areas. Massaging with your hands during pumping can also increase the volume of milk during your session.
Start using the pumps at a low level, then adjust the suction to the highest settings you feel comfortable in. This expresses the milk in less time.
Search for a reputable lactation consultant to help position the breast shields or flanges on the pumps with your nipples in the right place. They will also teach you how to adjust the settings and the suction.

How to Choose the Perfect Double Breast Pump for You
Consider these factors:
- Portability - Are you going to travel or commute to work with it?
- Frequency - How often will you be pumping?
- Suction Strength and Speed- You want the pumps to be comfortable and able to simulate a baby’s feeding pattern
- Design is a Closed System- This prevents the milk removed from the nipples from flowing backward, which is a risk for germ growth in the tubing.
- Ease of Setup and Cleaning- Search for a pump with fewer parts, dishwasher-safe, and clear instructions.
- Multiple Flange Sizes for Nipples- Consider the changes in your breasts when feeding your little one. You may need different sizes at different times. If it doesn’t come with multiple flange sizes, make sure you can purchase the ones to go with your pump.
- Test Different Pumps Before Purchasing - Ensure you have chosen a comfortable pump and the most efficient device for you.
- Check Insurance - Most insurance plans will cover the cost of a pump. However, keep in mind that the ones the insurance company will pay for may not be a good fit. You may have to ask if you can upgrade and pay the difference.
Momcozy Mobile Flow™ | M9
Momcozy’s M9 model offers all the factors that make this your pump!
Testimonials from users say this about the M9:
- “I empty myself more efficiently” and,
- “Definitely better output with my own settings.”
The Mobile Flow™ | M9 is a hands-free pump with settings you control from your cell phone. Make sure to check out this pump that makes multitasking a breeze!
Key Takeaways
Double pumping is more efficient for women who need speed and convenience to collect milk from their breasts. Single pumps work well for a mom who can nurse more often and needs infrequent pumping.
Double breast pumping positively affects the integrity of the milk being ejected. This method produces milk with a higher caloric value, fat, and energy content.
Women going back to work can take advantage of a double breast pump to keep up with the schedule or cycle of feeding their little ones. Those who are nursing multiple children can collect and store their milk to use in bottles, enabling others to help with that task. A premature child who cannot nurse yet can reap the benefits of milk their mother provides. Double pumping makes all these scenarios more efficient and easier for young families.
Parents who relax and concentrate on their infants during a pumping session can release more milk. This is due to the work of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, essential in stimulating and ejecting milk during lactation.
Double breast pumping seems to be the most logical and efficient method for mothers who want to collect their milk more effectively and achieve better consistency, volume, and nutrition.